Friday, March 20, 2009

The Challenges of March 19th 2009

Today's Challenges

-Having company

Issue One - Having company over

Tonight we had company over to watch some of the tournament. My kids went wild. Normally I would have had a fit, but I was hit by inspiration. The more they run, the more tired they get. So I lined them up and we had a race. I lost of course but they fell asleep five minutes after I laid them down for bed. Now you tell me who won? Ha Ha Ha.

Final Thought
I think of all the times that I stressed out over the way my kids acted. If I had just let them run for a little while, they would have gone to sleep sooner. Free will works the same way I think. God lets us run, but eventually we end up seeing things God's way. So guess who wins?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Challenges of March 18th, 2009

Today's Challenges

-Getting the kids ready for church

-Getting the kids to go to bed

Issue One - Getting the kids ready for church

As a pastor, this one should be easy. It never is. Everyone must be changed and fed. Not this night. I did change the boys, but failed to get them finished. It never fails that the most busy day of the week is Wednesday. At least they got fed right after church.

Issue Two - Bedtime

One word to those seeking wisdom. You cannot play the Wii and trust the kids will go to bed on their own. Here for hoping.

Final Thought
Yesterday after searching for over a week, I finally found my son's lost stuffed animal. It was simply in the back room waiting to be found. When I showed it to my son, he cried "Thank you dad. You're my hero." I once was waiting to be found. Thank you God! You're my hero!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Challenges of March 17th, 2009

Today's Challenges
-Forgot to dress the boys in green today for school
-Daughter goes to the doctor, then hospital
-Laundry day again

Issue one - Forgot the green day
Ok here is the real deal. On a normal day, I wake up to find that my wife has set out the clothes for the kids to wear to school. All I have to do is wake them up, dress them, feed them, and take them to school. Today I woke up to find that she was too tired the night before to set out the clothes. No Problem. I can find clothes; I just never read the note from the bookbag that told about "green day" at school. Maybe the kids will find it in their hearts to forgive me. Or maybe I will learn to check the bookbags for notes. Probably neither this year.

Issue Two - Sick child goes to the Doctor
Liz has had diabetes since she was eight. Every time she gets sick, she really gets sick. Her blood sugars go crazy and we have the hardest time controlling it. This time her ketones were elevated enough to worry the doctor. I thank God for a great doctor. I wish there was a better way than the hospital, but at least the doctors there have everything under control. She should be home tomorrow. I hope tonight!

Issue Three - Laundry Day
Word to those wanting wisdom - Do laundry every day! With seven people in the house, laundry can pile up faster than trash. Also try to put the laundry where it goes. Sounds simple until the folding pile becomes the new location for clean clothes. Then that pile gets higher and higher and higher and you get the idea.

Final thought - As I stare at the pile of newly folded laundry, I wonder how long it will take before it is dirty again. I wonder if Jesus sometimes looks at us and wonders how long it will be before we sin again. Yet He keeps on forgiving us over and over again and I will keep washing the laundry.